zombody: Curious Brain, 2021, Antonia Leonie Steinbrink
Curious Brain is an artistic research about perception and percieving the world. The sensory organs being considered as the brain's excrescences, it's way of touching and getting in touch with the world around. How does it recognize it's sourroundings? How does is grasp and understand objects? Did it know them before? The stop motion movie developed in the process of engaging the topic. Then developed further whilst being integrated into the group project zombody.
- Antonia Leonie Steinbrink
Curious Brain in zombody - quote from Call us Zom:
Who had she been? She felt, through the fog that had followed the storm, her deranged brain taking shape again. She felt it crawling back, rustling, a hedgehog out of a box, regenerating, hydrating, synchronizing, approaching her again: touching everything she saw, taking in and accepting everything that came her way, like a child, like a newborn, a reborn, now fresh and fine.