Urban RE:source, BA WS20/21
Urban RE:source is a distance learning workshop series funded by the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung and developed jointly by Ort-schafft-Material and takitani e.V.. Urban RE:source turns waste reuse, with a focus on textiles, into a creative educational resource and political message.
Participants are teenagers between 13 and 18 years old, who are both the new consumers of our society and its new creators. Therefore, it is important to discuss resources, their use and creation at this crucial age.
In total, three courses took place at Urban RE:source. A theoretical introduction was followed by a workshop in which old textiles were recycled using natural dyes made from food scraps, and a final workshop in which new structures such as ropes were created from old, colorful T-shirts. A theoretical approach is combined with a practical one, so that what the head understands, the hands also
the hands know. This approach is essential as creative techniques for making materials were demonstrated while explaining why the consumption of resources is critical from both a social and environmental perspective.
Participants were provided with needed basic materials made from recycled materials: t-shirts, a weaving frame, and informational materials. The materials along with the online courses and with the
the support of online video tutorials form a whole. In addition to the two techniques explained in the workshops, a third technique for making a woven textile from T-shirt yarn was demonstrated. Urban RE:source is a project of takitani e.V. in collaboration with the pioneer project Ort-schafft-Material at the House of Statistics: The project Urban RE:source is a further development for the online teaching of the project Ort-schafft-Material by Elena Sofia Stranges and Giulia Pompilj.